viernes, 25 de junio de 2010

tirón de orejas al gobierno español por la EpC

Asamblea Parlamentaria
Consejo de Europa
Doc. 12268. "Respeto por los derechos humanos en la Educación para la Ciudadanía en España".
Texto completo aquí.
Destaco lo siguiente: "(...) the Spanish initiative of introducing four compulsory “Education for Citizenship” subjects into the national educational system has given rise to a lasting dispute, as these were not in line with the aforementioned recommendation and because some of the syllabus was incompatible with the rights enshrined in Articles 8 and 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights and in Article 2 of the first Protocol thereto (...) It is therefore necessary to discuss ways of achieving a negotiated solution and guaranteeing the fundamental rights of the children and their parents, in the context of Recommendation 1401 (1999) on “Education in the responsibilities of the individual”, in which the Parliamentary Assembly recommends (in para 10.iv) to “refrain from interfering in citizens’ private lives by prescribing rules of behaviour which could infringe on individual freedoms (…).”

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