Me refería unos meses atrás a la emergencia de la dimensión negativa de la libertad religiosa y su triunfo sobre la dimensión positiva de la misma libertad. El "right to be alone" de Brandeis, aplicado a este derecho fundamental, propicia intuitivamente la necesidad de un "espacio público vacío", lo cual es tan atrayente como quimérico. En relación con la libertad religiosa negativa, he leído esto que me parece interesante:
"The problématique of post-modernity is mirrored by the rise of the negative freedom of religion—beyond the limits of the obvious legitimacy of protection from constraint in a stricter sense—that has increasingly been transformed into a right not to be confronted with the Other of transcendency transfigured by religious symbols in the public sphere. This is one of the phenomena of the transformation of religion in post-modernity, a replacement of transcendence with a need for an immediate expressive feeling of the Other, who is the object of a projection of a wish for recognition. The other side of this immediacy of emotional self-affirmation is to be seen in the transformation of the trans-subjective character of religion into a “personal conviction” that
rejects any abstract and objective bindingness, including any metanorms for the coordination of the rules of religion and public norms. This also has consequences for the legal and constitutional determination of what “religion” means: it has been pointed out above that the role of constitutional rights also consists of the self-organization of trans-subjective functional systems in society, including religion. This idea has had repercussions in the earlier judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court, which tried to restrict the protection of the civil right to religious freedom to traditional religions (not just
Christianity)". Karl-Heinz Ladeur, "The Myth of the Neutral State and the individualization of religion: the relationship between State and Religion in th face of Fundamentalism", Cardozo Law Review, vol. 30, 2009, p. 2464.
Versiones: Stop This World de Mose Allison, por Terry Lobb y por Diana Krall (que esta vez no la destroza).
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